We offer a variety of engaging and educational programs for young people:
Financial Literacy:
Our financial literacy workshops equip young people with the knowledge and skills to make
smart, informed decisions about money. We cover topics such as budgeting, saving,
investing, and understanding credit.
Summer Activities:
Our summer Activities provide a fun, safe environment where young people can
explore new interests, build self-confidence, and make lasting friendships. Our programs
range from arts and crafts, sports, to team-building exercises.
Nutrition and Wellness:
Our nutrition and wellness program promote healthy living by teaching young people about
balanced diets, physical activity, and the importance of maintaining mental health. We aim
to empower them to make healthy choices that will benefit them throughout their lives.
Our Goal is to empower the next generation with the knowledge and skills they need for a bright future!
CHECK BACK WITH US regularly for the latest updates on workshops, schedules, and registration details. Don’t miss out on valuable insights and empowering sessions for our youth!
PH: (800) 519 - 6046
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